Guaranteed Pension Plan

Attention: You could buy this product with us in the past. This is no longer possible. Do you have a Guaranteed Pension Plan? On this page you can read the most important characteristics of this product. Also, you can read where to find more information.

What is the Guaranteed Pension Plan?

The Guaranteed Pension Plan is a pension scheme in which you build up part of your retirement pension each year. The Guaranteed Pension Plan is a defined benefit scheme. This means that how much pension you will receive is fixed in advance.

Costs of your pension

Your employer pays a monthly contribution towards your pension. Your employer determines whether he pays the entire contribution or if you should also pay a part. Your pay slip tells you whether you pay any pension contribution and how much you pay.

More information on your Guaranteed Pension Plan

Your Uniform Pension Statement (UPS), which you receive every year around September, tells you:

  • How much pension you have built up so far.
  • The pension that you can expect to receive when you reach retirement age.
  • The amount of partner’s pension and/or orphan’s pension if you die (if applicable). Click to find out whether your partner can get a Anw Survivor Benefit Pension from the state.

Your pension introductory letter tells you:

  • Which type of defined benefit scheme applies to you
  • Which additional arrangements apply to you, depending on the choices made by your (former) employer.
  • Whether your pension is subject to an inflation risk.

Can’t you find what you are looking for? Please contact us.

General information on pensions in The Netherlands?

Please find more information at Pensioen opbouwen in Nederland (Dutch only).